ChatGPT a Practical Application of AI

We all know that Ai is the next great technical innovation that is going to transform our lives.

Allegedly it is going to put many middle class professionals out of work by using Ai to provide the services they provide. Many people claim it will revolutionise the property world. But in practice what uses does it actually have that are available right now?

I cannot claim to have the full answer to that. But recently I have been exploring the possible uses of chatgpt and started to see some practical applications for it that actually could be beneficial.

I think there are 3 practical applications I have found which have been of great help.

  1. The first is that it answers question in a much more practical way than google. If you ask google a question a variety of sites will pop up which may or may not be relevant. Sometimes you strike gold and find exactly the information you were looking for (although often with annoying ads and gdpr notices before you get the full information). But often you have to go through a variety of articles or different search terms before you find what you want.

By contrast chatgpt gives you a very direct, ad free response directed exactly at your question.

  • If you want a document it is brilliant at drafting documents for you . Yes they will be basic to begin with but you can ask extra questions if you want to make it more sophisticated. But the important point is, it gives you a starting point for what the document should look like that you can then build on.
  • It really does seem to be able to grapple with quite complex legal and financial questions and come up with answers or at the very least point you in the right direction as to where to look. You can then use it to drill down for more information.

Here is an example of what it can do. We all know we are going to have to use s8 if we want to get possession of a property under the Renters Rights Bill. And we are going to have to use it for every possession case. Before I would suspect the majority of Landlords would not use s8 because of the possible uncertainties but would use s21 where by contrast you were almost certain to get the property back

So I asked it How do I get possession under s8. Click here for its response. This gives a really good, clear introduction to what a s8 is and how to go about getting possession if you use it. And with that introduction you can then ask further questions to get more information, for example where to find a sample s8 form or which form to use to apply to Court and where to find it.

Once you start using it you will be amazed at how often you go to it for advice on questions that come up from time to time about property related matters.

Of course in the future I am sure we will see much more sophisticated uses for this technology and may be in time you will be able to use it to run an online office, answer the phone and deal with queries and problems.

But for now here is on actual use which I think you will find very helpful.

Tom Buckley

Property Manager

Pomegranate Property Management